Group B Strep (GBS) is a type of bacteria that is found in 10-35% of all healthy adults. Normally, the presence of GBS does not cause problems. In certain circumstances, however, Group B Strep bacteria can invade the body and cause serious infection. Newborns are exposed to GBS during childbirth when a baby comes into direct contact with the bacteria carried by the mother.

Itai developed a fever that was later diagnosed as GBS. Since GBS can be very serious illness in infants, no chances were taken and into the hospital we went ...

I received antibiotics directly to the veins, every six hours
The antibiotics kills the bad germs as well as the good ones, so I developed a diaper rash. Here you see how Mommy fights the rash with her hair drier ...

But I got to sleep in Mommy's bed
And I played with my toys in my hospital crib

Mommy washed me in a small plastic container, and Daddy wrapped me up, dried me, and calmed me down

Here you can see how Daddy is feeding me with a bottle. I am willing to take anything that dispenses milk.